This type of assesment is sometimes refered to as a Viability assesment or Feasability Assesment.
This type of appraisal would be carried out at the start of a new build project, or where an existing building is being repurposed.
This would be carried out with or without a site visit and site appraisal, and may be carried out as a desktop excercise, with an actual site visit set aside for a later date when viability is more determined .
We would consider, some are all of the following:-
Any surveys needed :
This service might also be in conjunction with other services:-
Arranging a topographical survey with one of the land survey companies we work with.
Arranging Tree Surveys and Other Surveys
Heritage Assessment - in house or external
Town Planning support
Local Authority Highway liaison
Local Authority Housing Officer liaision
Once the site is considered viable on paper: We might move on to :-
A Full Site Appraisal
Carrying out Feasiability studies
Where an existing building is to be repurposed, a Building survey.
Once we have a viable Feasability Study we would move onto Stage 2: Scheme Design